Function & Duties

The function and duties of the Erftverband are stipulated by the „Erftverbandsgesetz“:


  • Research and surveillance of water management conditions within the Rhenish brown coal district
  • Regulation of water runoff including compensation of flow conditions and safeguarding of flood runoff of surface waters or sections of waters within their catchment areas
  • Maintenance of surface waters or sections of waters and their functionally related facilities
  • Restoration of modified surface waters to their natural state
  • Groundwater management
  • Prevention, reduction, elimination and compensation of adverse changes to water management conditions and their associated ecological conditions caused by modification of the groundwater level within the Rhenish brown coal district
  • Procurement and provision of water to ensure the current and future supply for the population and economy, and promotion of measures to reduce water consumption
  • Wastewater treatment in accordance with the Northrhine-Westfalian water act
  • Removal of waste associated with the duties of the Erftverband
  • Prevention, reduction, elimination and compensation of adverse changes to surface waters due to wastewater or other causes
  • Evaluation of water management conditions

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